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10 Ways to Stay Motivated on Instagram®

Uncategorized May 01, 2021

When you’re a content creator, it can sometimes be difficult to stay on your game.

Often while you’re on social media, it’s easy to get distracted and go off on a tangent, looking at pages of things you find interesting and sharing stories and posts with your friends. 

Equally, it’s sometimes tough to stay motivated to keep to your posting schedule, particularly when you’re feeling tired and bereft of inspiration!

But you don’t need to get down heartened; everyone suffers from a lull in their content from time to time - it’s natural. 

But to avoid that lull turning into a rut, here are ten simple ways you can stay motivated on Instagram, so you’re producing top-quality content for your followers.

Take time to understand what kind of content you want to talk about

The key to staying motivated on the Gram is remembering what is motivating you to post your content in the first place.

If you’re posting for the sake of it, it’s hard to stay focused. Understanding that every post

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Seven Pillars of Instagram Success

Uncategorized May 01, 2021


Are you hoping to stop struggling on Instagram once and for all and actually grow your followers and increase your business opportunities? If so, you’re certainly not alone.

So many start-ups, coaches, and entrepreneurs are looking to Instagram to market their products and services and engage with their customers. 

 But how do you achieve your business goals on the Gram? Is there a secret to brand success?

I believe there are seven pillars of Instagram success, and if you follow them, you will put yourself in an excellent position to be successful on the platform.

This shouldn’t be seen as a cheat, rather a holistic approach to building your Instagram following organically and adding value to your customers. 

 So, without further ado, here are the seven pillars to Instagram success that will change your fortunes when it comes to engagement on the Gram. 

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Ten Course Launch Hacks to Sell Better

Uncategorized May 01, 2021


Online coaches and teachers are always looking for innovative and effective ways of launching their courses in order to boost their sales.

Instead of just emailing your subscribers and posting details about the new course on social media, if you’re willing to get creative and think outside the box, you will see a much better sign-up than you initially anticipated. 

In this post, I share ten course launch hacks with you that will guarantee that you improve your sales.

The good news is that they’re not too taxing, and providing you’re willing to try them out, you will undoubtedly see improved results.

Let’s dive in and take a look at how to launch your course with a difference.

Find something that makes YOU different

What makes YOU stand out? It’s all very well putting together a compelling course about your expert subject matter, but remember, people are just as interested in your story as they are about the course they’re signing up for.

They want to know what makes you ...

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The Best Hashtag for You

Uncategorized May 01, 2021

When posting on Instagram®, you need to get familiar with hashtags and how to use them, so your post can reach as many people as possible.

If you don't accompany your carefully curated post with a hashtag, you're limiting its exposure to those that currently follow you.

According to Fohr, a post with at least one hashtag averages 12.6% more engagement than a post without.

Simply, using hashtags on Instagram® is the best way to get discovered by new audiences and contribute to online discussions about specific issues.

Let's take a look at three tips you can utilize to find the right hashtag for you. 

Include Hashtags That Your Audience Is Following

Did you know that you can follow hashtags on Instagram®? It's a fantastic way of tailoring your feed to things that interest you.

People who follow hashtags see the top posts that have been posted with that specific tag, as it acts like a directory of all the photos and videos within that particular niche. 

So if you know that your au...

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How to Promote your IGTV Content

Uncategorized May 01, 2021

IGTV can add exceptional value to your social media performance. If you haven’t heard of it, IGTV is a standalone app that is used in tandem with Instagram® and is essentially the Gram’s answer to YouTube.

You can create content that is up to one hour long and share videos directly with your followers. It’s an incredible feature and one that you need to understand to maximize its benefits.

Here are five different ways to promote your IGTV content for the best results. 

Upload It to YouTube and Link Back to Instagram® 

This might seem like taking one step back to go forward, but it’s worthwhile.

Once you’ve created your video on IGTV, make sure you link it to your YouTube account, as well as any other social media platforms that you use.

This is important if you’ve built up a significant following on YouTube already, but you’re hoping to move away from it and use IGTV going forwards.

If you’re looking for a 1:1 marketing strategy consultation to scale your business, click here to...

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Five Reasons to Schedule Your Content in Advance

Uncategorized May 01, 2021

Are you wondering how you can create captivating, engagement-worthy content on a consistent basis? If you are, then scheduling your content in advance is the key to your success.

If you put pressure on yourself to create content for Instagram® every day, you are likely to run out of ideas, as it’s hard to find the time to produce killer content daily. 

Here are five reasons why you should schedule your Instagram® content in advance.

You Save Time in the Long Run

Although you might have to sit at your desk for a couple of hours when planning your content in advance, it actually saves you time in the long run.

It means your daily social media management consists of responding to comments or questions, and you don’t have to sit racking your brains for content.

If the day’s post is already scheduled, you can go about your business safe in the knowledge that your customers will see quality content from you or your business.

If you’re looking for a 1:1 marketing strategy consultation ...

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SEO Hacks For Instagram®

Uncategorized May 01, 2021

While the term SEO might fill some of us with dread, it really shouldn't! Brushing up on your simple SEO knowledge can be lucrative for your business, as it increases your reach, discoverability, and ultimately, sales.

Also, when people think of SEO, they think it's only applicable to your website. But in reality, you can use many of the SEO strategies you employ on your website to boost your Instagram® profile too.

This post will introduce you to three awesome SEO hacks that can increase your engagement on the Gram. 

Use Keywords and Optimize Your Bio

To fully appreciate how the search algorithm works on Instagram®, you should treat your profile like you would your website.

If you want to appear in searches, you need to make sure your bio is optimized to drive traffic to your page. 

You need to ensure that your bio includes some industry-specific keywords that people are likely to use when searching for your products and services.

If you're struggling to decide what keywords ar...

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How Often Should You Post on Instagram®?

Uncategorized May 01, 2021

Sometimes we can get too caught up on how often we should post on Instagram®.

Some people will tell you that you must post at least once every day, others tell you twice a day, some think once a week is okay.

The truth is, there is no correct amount to post on the Gram. What's most important is the quality of the content you're posting instead of the quantity. 

While your posts' regularity will affect your discoverability and engagement, it's not the only important thing to consider when devising your social media strategy.

Here are some things to think about when deciding how often to post. 

There's No Magic Number

Sometimes we can be scrolling through Instagram®, and we will see posts that are a couple of days old right at the top of our feed.

We may also notice that some of our older posts are receiving engagement days after we've posted them, while our most recent posts might be struggling.

This is all to do with the Instagram® algorithm and how it works.

Unfortunately, th...

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Instagram® Myths That Are Holding You Back

Uncategorized May 01, 2021

When you're new to Instagram®, you would be forgiven for expecting immediate success.

How often have you looked at a popular account in your niche and thought to yourself, I can do so much better than that?

While it's good to be ambitious, you need to be patient when starting your journey on Instagram® and realize that much of your success relies on organic growth and an organized social media strategy.

You also hear lots of myths online about how to utilize the Gram to your advantage, and we're going to look at three of them here. 

Your Instagram® Business Account Is Going to Negatively Affect Your Growth 

This is a strange myth, to say the least, but also one that is commonly held by many people. If anything, creating an Instagram® account will positively affect your growth, as you open up a world of possible connections and can engage with a whole host of clients.

Approximately 1 billion people use Instagram® every month. 1 billion! That's an awful lot of people, and somewhere...

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How Does the Instagram® Algorithm Work?

Uncategorized May 01, 2021

If you're looking to grow your business by engaging with potential customers on the Gram, it's vital that you know how the Instagram® algorithm works.

While it's not overly complicated, understanding how it's designed will help you plan your content to ensure it can get in front of as many of your followers as possible.

This post will break the Insta algorithm down into five simple steps. 

Step 1: Your Post Is Shown to a Small Selection of People.

It stands to reason that when you post some content on Instagram®, the way that the platform works out how well your post will perform is by sharing it with a relatively small group of people that have interacted with your posts in the past.

People's feeds are populated with content that they've recently interacted with and engaged with historically, so the algorithm will direct your content in front of these people to see how they react.


Step 2: It Measures How Fast People Interact With Your Post.

Once your post is out there, one o...

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